Brown Karen Walker Number One sunglasses, Green/black Zara leather parka jacket, Ivory Urban Outfitters lace top, Dark blue Citizens of Humanity 'Dylan' boyfriend jeans, Gold HM necklace, Ivory vintage Chanel clutch, Ivory gold c/o Beginning Boutique bold ruler ring, Black Zara heels.
So lets talk about boyfriend jeans...I've been dying to find the best pair for my body shape, firstly I wanted one that would hug the right places, but is loose and comfy at the knees. Finally on my last trip to Macy's in SF, I found it!! And I scored it for such a great price with the 25% off Friends and Family sale ;). Anyways, so to reveal the great pair of jeans, they're the Citizens of Humanity 'Dylan' bf jeans. I'm still on a search though for the best boyfriend jeans in a lighter wash, so please let me know if you recommend any good ones ;)! Currently looking into J Brand or Current Elliot.
Anyways, now onto this jacket from Zara, loove how polished and interesting it looks..esp the fit of it. Which btw, Zara can do no wrong, I've been crazy addicted to going on their site ever since they had online shopping for the US..this is good for procrastinating but not good for trying to do work! ;P
Anyways, how're you lovelies doing?! School's almost up, we're on reading and review week, which is a whole week off from classes before finals hit..I have to say we're spoiled here at Cal with this week. Now off to make the most of it! Have an amazing rest of your week lovelies! Friday's almost here! ;)
♥, Kathleen.
you're such a girl crush of mine! you just look amazing, I wish you'd post 5 outfits a day! :)
love the look, and the lipstick on you too!
looks so comfy elegant and cool!
love it:)
Love your sunglasses xoxo
omg Kathleen you are ROCKING this outfit! Loving this look on you!
J. Crew has an amazing selection of light wash BF jeans, and they fit AMAZING too!!! I have sort of a similar jacket, the collar is smaller, and less zips on it, but it's from Zara too, its weird- it's like the same jacket, but not!
x carlina
love this whole thing but that jacket is amazing!
I totally agree with Maja :D
Cool jacket and sunnies! I'm looking for bf jeans with lighter wash as well...I saw couple of pretty nice ones at Zara but they weren't perfect for me so I'll continue with my search. Good luck with yours! :]
I definitely love the way you wore the parka!
love the jacket! looks perfect with the lace top to add some edge :)
Vanessa Mooney Giveaway on Wear Abouts!
That's a beautiful jacket and a great outfit!
~Natasha Fatah~
you're so right...Zara can do no wrong! And now that the US has ONLINE shopping, it's terrible how much I peruse that site. =)
The look of this entire outfit is so right on you too! =)
Love your outfit Kathleen ! Your jacket is great !
I want your coat and shoes!
That jacket is to die for!
Love your outfit! The lace top paired with the jacket looks amazing!!
Love your Zara shoes and jacket! I tried on that jacket last time I was in there. It looks perfect on you!
<3Chelsea Elizabeth
A little feminine, a little boyish, and a little bit edgy-- I love it all.
I just found your blog... and I adore your style. I'm you're newest follower.
<3 Hudson East
I love the entire look!!! You look fab as usual :) The gold H&M chain is like my favorite necklace I wear it with everything!!! You styled it perfectly.
your blog is absolutely perfect!! and i am loving your outfit! especially those shoes!!
xo TJ
omg I've been eyeing that Zara jacket when it recently came online. It looks sooo good! Love this casual and chic look :)
xo Stephanie
This outfit is perfect, great shoes, great jacket! I want to wear this too.
You are perfect!:)
The clutch is soooooo classy **
OMG I wanted to buy the same parka jacket, but I didn't & now I regret it very much! You look amazing!
xo Iga
i'm currently living in boyfriend jeans. i really love the fact how versatile they are. it's such an easy and effortless look you've created. definitely something i can see myself in.
warm greetings!
i love your shoes! :)
you have great style. :D
Hey! Let's follow each other pretty! Ü
i hope we can be friends. :))
have a nice day!
I have a lace top like that, but never know what to wear it with. Good inspiration!
i really love the look!
i love this. amazing!
What a BEAUTIFUL clutch. OMG I love it so much! I have this pair of heels too. They're actually comfortable for the average painful Zara shoe.
elena- blue velvet
Looove this outfit!Could you please tell me what size is your jacket?I just ordered it online,they only had XS in stock,and I'm afraid that it might be too small.However,usually in Zara I wear size S,but I do own a few jackets and blazers in XS too.Thanks :)
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