Monday, September 20, 2010


Inspirafashion, inspiration and fashion. Two words when combined can create a beautiful, chic, and classy ensemble or maybe an edgy, rocker, boho look by simply being inspired.  Inspiration. Fashion. Inspirafashion. Welcome to my newly and very first established fashion blog, enjoy. :)

My name is Kathleen, but most people call me KC, whichever name works, could also go by - Kath, Kat, Kathy, Kase, etc. :) This is my first ever fashion blog and am super excited to start this because I've always wanted a place to not only share my style and outfits but also to add inspirations from magazines, fashion blogs, websites, celebrities, and any lovely girl or guy who makes a lasting impression from their own ensembles.  So enjoy many blog posts to come, because I really am excited to share with you my passion for fashion <3.

Thrifted over-sized F21 top, F21 jeans, Gray suede thrifted shoes, & H&M hat.

And also wanted to say thank you to all the Chictopians who voted for my last look! which made it into the style gallery :). screen shot <3

With truly lots of love, KC.

Follow my blog with bloglovin


  1. congrats on making the style gallery!

  2. Just came across your blog through Chictopia and have added you to my google reader :) Made you a wiki page here- let me know if you need help editing it, we have badges as well- Would love to feature you once you've filled it in :)

  3. this i have to say is adorable... very grunge/90s my favorite!

  4. aw Thanks so much Lola! :) i'll update it asap <3.

    thank you Estefania! your too sweet :).

  5. the maxi skirt looks great on you :)

  6. Happy blog anniversary, girl!! Keep on keepin' on!! <3 So happy we've become such good blogger buddies!! When's our next hang out? Hopefully soon!!



Thank you so much for your comments, I really appreciate it. I read every single one with love and respond by visiting and following your lovely fashionable blogs.