Friday, March 9, 2012


1. Pretty flowers, spring time. 2. Lace & peter-pan collar mixed 3. Love my new vintage coat
4. Peach lace top + Pree Brulee jewelry post 5. View of Berkeley from campus 6. New Zara heels
7. Bear crochet hat for my little niece 8. ASOS fishbone and spike bracelets 9. Arm candy + rings

So I ever since I've had my new iPhone, it hasn't left my side..everytime I see something pretty walking around I just have to stop and snap a photo...and use instagram of course ;P.  Here are just a few pics I've taken so far, but definitely can't wait to take and share more with you loves!  Feel free to follow me on Instagram (@kathleencarla) or on here.

Yay TGIF loves! Have an amazing fun, relaxing weekend!  Listen to this cute song by Pharrell from Despicable Me to get ya excited ;).
♥, Kathleen.
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Rory said...

love the peter pan collared blouse!!!! :)
Follow me on CHICTOPIA

Maritess said...

OOoooh yay! just found you on instagram! I'm just like you, an iPhone addict! but I have no excuse, i've had it for a while.. but instagram is.. awesome :) Hope to see you around Hercules sometime!

Leila said...

Beautiful photographs!

Katie said...

yay, you're on instagram!

katie x

Unknown said...

How fun! I didn't know you were on instagram! I just followed you! <3 Have a great weekend, love!

Anonymous said...

love all these photos!! instagram is the best :)


drinkcitra said...

I always love your pictures! Yay! So glad to see you have instagram! Another way to follow you lol. That sounds stalker-ish...

Sarah said...

Instagram is so addictive! I love these photos xxx

Emma said...

oh instagram, such a beautiful addiction

Unknown said...

Absolutely amazing photos!


milocanovich said...

wow, you're so pretty! :) and so is your blog! I absolutely love it! following now :)

Am2Pm Chic said...

Lovely post, I really like the vintage coat.

Stephanie Hjelmeseth said...

omg love love love all these pics! They are so romantic :) :) p.s. I voted for you too! thanks hon <3 <3 <3

xo Stephanie
honey & silk blog