Monday, December 6, 2010

Black and cold.

Wow, the title of this post is kinda on the depressing side lol, but in all sense, I really feel under the weather - I guess "cold," for me, has two interpretations.  Cold, as in the very cold weather the Bay Area has been getting, and Cold, as in sadly I just caught a cold from someone :(.  This is the main reason of my absence for the past week, sorry lovelies about that.  I'm in the process of returning all your sweet comments, in the midst though of finals fast approaching :(.  I really hate that combination, being super sick aand having finals to study for. What has the world come to? Lol, jk.  I'm trying to keep my head up and remain optimistic and happy.

Besides that, Black - refers to all these items I've bought in the past few weeks.  I didn't notice it until I laid out everything I recently bought, strange - they all have the color Black in them.  Trust, I'm not being Emo-ish or anything, but I guess I gravitated toward this color because of Winter?  Who knows, but I do love all my purchases! :)  Black Friday purchases - Floral long-sleeved dress and Gray fedora.  Cyber Monday purchase - $30 off American Apparel Rider Pants courtesy of a Chictopia code I got in an email :).  And lastly, my most fav purchase, High-Waisted Topshop Studded Shorts bought from the lovely Sandra of 5 Inch and Up Blog.  

(Excuse my bright orange/red Ikea sheets haha). From left to right: AA Rider Pants, Topshop Shorts, F21 floral dress and fedora.

In the spirit of Christmas coming as well, (eek can't wait to set up decor soon!), will leave you with my current (and possibly growing, lol) wishlist.

Hope your December is fun and exciting so far.  And continue to inspire and stay chic with your beautiful outfits.  Also, once finals are done and over with (crossing my fingers I do well), I will get back to my regular blog post routine :). Until then, Good Night Beautifuls!

<3, Kathleen.

Follow Inspirafashion


  1. Get well soon from your cold kathleen we need more inspirafashion!!!!! And you have my fingers corssed to foll having amazing result on you finals!!!

  2. having a cold and exams at the same time really sucks. hope you get better soon!

    love the forever21 dress.really cute!! your wishlist is great as well:) want that knit sweater and polaroid camera!! :D


  3. i'm always sick everytime i have an exam. such great timing, eh? oh stress. lol!! anyway, cool blog!!

    hope you visit and follow my blog too!! thanks!


  4. great dress. i'm looking to add some florals to my wardrobe! also love your black friday clogs from bakers.

  5. Wonderful purchases! Can't wait to see how you style them! Get well soon =)


  6. nice post!
    If you want you can see my blog ...:)

  7. fab stuff love the hat! and i can relate about the cold too! :S

  8. Wonderful purchases. All very pretty.

  9. Feel better! I'm going through exams right now too, wish you well! And love those shorts btw :)

  10. Such cute things, I love the dress and shorts the most!

  11. awh I love this post kath! I love the black and grey tones :) that YSL arty ring is on the top of my list tooooo!


  12. Hope you get better soon dear!! I buy a lot of black clothes too...I just love black, and I'm not goth! So I can relate... :)

    I adore those Topshop shorts too. Can't wait to see an outfit post of you wearing them. The items on your Christmas wishlist are all so adorable.

  13. I almost always buy all black, so of course I think you made all good choices with your recent purchases, but that's down to personal taste :) Can't wait to see you wear them! Hope you're feeling better soon! There's nothing worse than the combination of a cold and exams :P

  14. Really love the beautiful Jeffrey Campbell boots!

  15. hej girly, i got the shoes today!=) yay it fits me! thanks! oh i love the polaroid cam a lot!

  16. youre so adorable! i used to live in berkeley, i miss it =(

  17. I love those studded shorts!

    xo L


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